Water filtration
Crisp and refreshing H2O There really is nothing better than the crisp and refreshing taste of water straight from a stream/river! This is water in it's purest form. ❤️ One of my favorite things to do along a hiking trek is to find a beautiful river/stream or lake to drink water from. Once I grabbed some pretty questionable water from a pooled up area downstream of a waterfall just to see how the Lifestraw works. Thankfully, it did it's job! For the last couple years I have only carried a life straw with me in case of an emergency. Luckily, I haven’t needed to use it for such, but I have used it for grins, giggles and fresh mountain water! Lifestraw Pros: Simple to use Lasts for a very long time- It has an unlimited shelf life 1 piece Very effective for eliminating harmful parasites and bacteria Cons: It takes a significant amount of work to prime. In order to use it needs to be kept submerged in the water, or you need somethi...