Permethrin promises

One of my favorite hiking trails in Kansas is the Elk River Trail.  Its 15 miles of hiking availability amongst boulders-rocky bluffs- lake views and forested area makes it a challenging and rewarding experience.  The downfall is the enormous amount of ticks and chiggers you will encounter.

I am very sensitive to insect bites so this was a BIG setback that made the trail much less appealing to me.  I wasn’t about to give up on it though….I did some research and found out about a company called Insect Shield that treats your clothes with insect repellent that remains active for 70 washes! 

Here’s how I treated my clothes:

I chose to use the easy pack for $119.  

Treated items:  I was able to squeeze 13 items into the package.  My items included: 2 pairs of pants- 2 sports bras- 3 pairs of socks- 2 pairs of shorts- 1 tank top- 1 short sleeve top- 2 long sleeve tops.  

I initially panicked when I sent my items off as I realized I left the detailed item sheet with tracking info on the table that was suppose to be included in the bag.  

No worries!!  They are prepared for over- the- top excited customers like me who are so eager to send the items off they forget the important form… lol

My items were returned to me within a month- each item does receive a custom ‘InsectShield’ tag.  I found this convenient as I was trying to decide how I could mark the items that were treated for future reference.  

They also sell the permethrin in a spray bottle which can be used to treat items such as shoes/hats/the seats in your car…etc.  

One item on my list to buy is the treated bandanas- I’d especially like to get one for my puppy to use as additional protection from ticks and mosquitos.  (Did you know heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes)?  I just recently discovered this ‘compliments of my vet’.  

I did my research and read the reviews, but the only way to truly know how you like a product is to try it out…so I did.  Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed!

I decided to skip the bug spray, and the dry skin that follows the application, and wear only my treated clothes.  I wore my treated long length socks under a pair of treated cuffed, lightweight hiking pants and an untreated shirt, and I set out for a hike along Elk River.  I returned without a single bite!!  That’s a first!  And now, I have my own experience to share.


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